101 хадис из Сахих аль-Бухари

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Sahih al-Bukhari (Arabic: صحيح البخاري) is one of the six major Sunni collections of hadiths (Qutub al-sitta). The hadiths were collected by the medieval Islamic theologian Muhammad al-Bukhari, after these hadiths were transmitted orally for two hundred years. Sahih al-Bukhari for the Sunnis is one of the three most reliable collections of hadith along with Sahih Muslim and Muwatt Imam Malik. Some scholars consider Sahih al-Bukhari the most reliable Islamic book after the Quran. The Arabic word sahih is translated as authentic.Translation from arabicTeaching staffKazan Islamic CollegeCanonical editorAbdullah Hussein, Ishmurat KhaibullinLiterary editorSalima Gaynetdinova101 HADIS FROM SAHIH AL-BUKHARI. Translation from Arabic. M .: LLC SAD Publishing Group, Kazan Islamic College, 2009. - 88 pages, circulation: 10,000 copies, 1st edition.